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This category is for online publications that cover several types of arts. It is not for general online publications or ones that specialize exclusively in one art form alone.
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Subcategories 5

Dada magazine founded in 1917, now engineering post-dadaist viral mindshare.
The rules are simple. This e-zine welcomes submissions about poetry, music, art, cats, and dogs.
Aims to give greater exposure to undervalued and under appreciated deserving men and women in the arts.
Daily arts news from more than 100 newspapers, magazines and e-publications.
Includes poetry, digital arts, arts news, and audio biographies from top artists.
A e-zine of visual and conceptual exchange, this site covers philosophy, visual art, literary, and shared life experiences.
An online newsletter covering art, music, fashion, travel and entertainment. Bi-monthly pdf publication that covers the many diversions of the working class.
A big selection of poetry, web art, prose, and sound ranging from the quirky to the somber.
An elegant webzine of art, humor, and criticism featuring essays, memoirs, fiction, humor, relationship advice, photography, and music.
Celebrates artists and writers who identify as women.
Biannual online publication featuring artwork, interviews, reviews, essays, poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, film, and sound.
Portal and podium for creative people; writers, musicians, graphic artists, publishers, or producers.
Art, architecture, music, painting and photography are all represented here.
Pre-eminent African American literary figure, Ishmael Reed, lends his name to two e-zines features many different authors of science fiction, poems, and articles.
Online art and artist magazine. "Art for the new Millennium."
Features work of worldwide artists and writers with dedicated meditation and contemplation practices.
Online magazine of literature, visual arts and ideas.
An eclectic mix of political analysis and strong opinion, art and music reviews, fiction, poetry, and much high weirdness. According to its editor: "we're no better or worse than any other site, and we have no particular editorial policy apart from a strong preference for good, interesting writing."
A now defunct free e-mail e-zine by Todd Kuipers which provided reviews and summaries of other newsletters. Archive of previous reviews is still available.
Posting about arts, literature, social media, and lifestyle.
An Australian free monthly arts e-mailed magazine of visual arts. Contributions are invited.
Site has information on sponsorships, exhibits, cameos of art collections, biographies of distinguished artists and columnists.
Quarterly e-zine for art, photography, and a diverse range of literature spanning poetry, short stories, essays, humor, and commentaries. Derived its name from Edvard Munch's painting The Scream.
Film, television and music reviews. Three day UK weather forecast, recipes and travel features.
Monthly online magazine with sections on art, transportation, health, self, Earth, and travel.
A magazine about music, art, fashion and modern urban culture, with an eye to covering interesting new trends
Running weblog, fiction, poetry, art, reviews of books and music, threads and knots of semantic strings.
Literary and arts magazine with a focus on current events.
Site has information on sponsorships, exhibits, cameos of art collections, biographies of distinguished artists and columnists.
Literary and arts magazine with a focus on current events.
Posting about arts, literature, social media, and lifestyle.
An online newsletter covering art, music, fashion, travel and entertainment. Bi-monthly pdf publication that covers the many diversions of the working class.
Features work of worldwide artists and writers with dedicated meditation and contemplation practices.
Biannual online publication featuring artwork, interviews, reviews, essays, poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, film, and sound.
Celebrates artists and writers who identify as women.
Dada magazine founded in 1917, now engineering post-dadaist viral mindshare.
A now defunct free e-mail e-zine by Todd Kuipers which provided reviews and summaries of other newsletters. Archive of previous reviews is still available.
A magazine about music, art, fashion and modern urban culture, with an eye to covering interesting new trends
Online magazine of literature, visual arts and ideas.
Daily arts news from more than 100 newspapers, magazines and e-publications.
A e-zine of visual and conceptual exchange, this site covers philosophy, visual art, literary, and shared life experiences.
Aims to give greater exposure to undervalued and under appreciated deserving men and women in the arts.
Monthly online magazine with sections on art, transportation, health, self, Earth, and travel.
Art, architecture, music, painting and photography are all represented here.
Includes poetry, digital arts, arts news, and audio biographies from top artists.
An elegant webzine of art, humor, and criticism featuring essays, memoirs, fiction, humor, relationship advice, photography, and music.
Film, television and music reviews. Three day UK weather forecast, recipes and travel features.
An eclectic mix of political analysis and strong opinion, art and music reviews, fiction, poetry, and much high weirdness. According to its editor: "we're no better or worse than any other site, and we have no particular editorial policy apart from a strong preference for good, interesting writing."
The rules are simple. This e-zine welcomes submissions about poetry, music, art, cats, and dogs.
Running weblog, fiction, poetry, art, reviews of books and music, threads and knots of semantic strings.
Online art and artist magazine. "Art for the new Millennium."
An Australian free monthly arts e-mailed magazine of visual arts. Contributions are invited.
Portal and podium for creative people; writers, musicians, graphic artists, publishers, or producers.
Quarterly e-zine for art, photography, and a diverse range of literature spanning poetry, short stories, essays, humor, and commentaries. Derived its name from Edvard Munch's painting The Scream.
A big selection of poetry, web art, prose, and sound ranging from the quirky to the somber.
Pre-eminent African American literary figure, Ishmael Reed, lends his name to two e-zines features many different authors of science fiction, poems, and articles.

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July 19, 2023 at 7:25:09 UTC
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